Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17: Concert #1, Barcelona

Chorale just sang their first concert at Santa María del Mar, Barcelona; the concert was a benefit for the José Carreras Leukemia Foundation. It was spectacularly received. Here are the first shots of the evening. Due to wi-fi issues, I will update this post when I'm in Valencia tomorrow.

 Poster for our concert in a local pharmacy. I stepped inside and thanked them.

 Exterior of Santa María del Mar.

 Poster for our concert at the church.

Interior of Santa María del Mar.

 The crypt (aka our green room).

 The south nave of Santa María del Mar.

Chorale in soundcheck.

 Little people in a big world.

 The rose window at SMdM.

 Chorale in double-choir formation for the Victoria "Ave Maria a 8."

 Our audience at SMdM.


Post-concert debriefing with Dr. Habermann.

1 comment:

  1. What an absolutely gorgeous place for a concert! Safe travels as you continue on! :) ~Diane
